– Oh, look, this is the tourism brand of my country. Would you like to know the story behind it?
– Yeah, why not… It looks like a tree, though.
– It is a tree. It’s called a ‘tree of life’. In Moldovan culture it’s a symbol of eternal youth and eternal life. That’s why it’s always there to celebrate the birth with its branches up. And also when one passes away with its branches down.
– Eternal youth, you say…
– Yeah, also it’s like a map of roads…
– It does look like a metro map
– Well, actually these are the roads you take in Moldova and, look, each of them ends with an interesting experience, be it a glass of our legendary wine, our yummy fruits and cuisine, the monasteries, our celebrations or our people. Actually, it is our people foreign tourists appreciate the most.
– Hm… We may consider visiting you one day.
– Yeah, make it late spring, the summer or early autumn. Actually we plan going there next year. I could help you with some recommendations for places to visit and maybe guide you on the way there.
– Ok, cool… We’ll think about it. Is there a site where I could learn more about Moldova?
– Sure, www.moldovaholiday.travel
Postare inspirată de la Eugen Boico, compania căruia a elaborat acest logo.